The Noun 1

Урок 2

Название: The Noun 1

Proper nouns (собственные) and common nouns (нарицательные)

Proper nouns - имена существительные представляют собой названия, предметов единственных в своем роде.

The Volga, London, Peter, Ann, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Proper nouns (собственные) and common nouns (нарицательные)

Common nouns - имена существительные представляют собой общее название для всех однородных предметов:.

A boy, a country, a house, a river.


2. Material Nouns

3.Abstract nouns

Abstract nouns

Honesty, bravery, love, history, music

Singular and Plural nouns

- ES

A class - classes

A box- boxes

A watch - watches

A horse - horses [iz]

A place - places [iz)

Singular and Plural nouns

f/ fe /- ves

A leaf - leaves

A knife - knives


A chief - chiefs

A handkerchief - handkerchiefs

A roof - roofs

A safe – safes

Singular and Plural nouns


An ox - oxen

A child - children no plural form

Fish, sheep Dozen, score

Two dozen (of) eggs, three score (of) Years

Singular and Plural nouns

Compound nouns

A Mother-in-law - Mothers-in-law

A custom-house - custom- houses

A hotel-keeper - hotel-keepers

A passer-by - passers- by


A woman-doctor - women-doctors

A man-servant - men-servants


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Қандай сұрақ қойғыңыз келеді ?

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